wordnet enterprise java bean
supported databases |
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Tests have been run with both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The WordNet database is the one released at wnsql produced by wnsqlbuilder but for the addition of a sampleset view.
This allows a uniform treatment between MySQL and PostgreSQL where the SQL syntaxes diverge.
View creation MySQL
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW samplesets AS SELECT synsetid, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT samples.sample ORDER BY sampleid SEPARATOR '|' ) AS sampleset FROM samples GROUP BY synsetid;Download file
View creation PosgreSQL
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW samplesets AS SELECT s.synsetid,array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT sample FROM samples WHERE synsetid = s.synsetid ORDER BY sampleid),'|') AS sampleset FROM samples AS "s" GROUP BY s.synsetid ORDER BY s.synsetid;Download file